
Download Preview versions of .NET Sdk

Easy place to download Release Candidate versions of the .NET SDK

.NET Aspire - The Future of Cloud-Native .NET Development?

Experimenting with .NET Aspire to create a few demos to take to Meetup events, and learn a bit about the new framework from Microsoft for building Observable, Cloud-native apps.

Umbraco Community Teams HQ Visit

Awesome things happen when you bring teams together

My write up of my first visit to the Umbraco Community Teams event - a 2-day gathering of the community teams with hacking, experimenting, discussions and collaboration hosted by Umbraco HQ.

Share your Energy

It will come back to you

Share your Energy. Put out good work. Don't waste your keystrokes. Share your experiences. Be Kind. That energy will come back to you. This article is my experience with that phrase, and what it means to me.

Using Docker to help build .NET websites on MacOS

Everybody knows, you never go Full-Mac, right?

Learning the tooling to help build websites on Macs (or Linux) using Docker to help build websites.

Dev Tips : SSH Keys - Remote Host Identification Has Changed

SSH Keys in a network testing environment

How to fix problems with SSH Keys in your local certificate authority file - known_hosts.

Dev Tips : URLSearchParams

Your friendly Querystring Helper built right into Javascript

URLSearchParams - a querystring parsing Javascript API, and using

Being awarded an Umbraco MVP

Learning I had been awarded an Umbraco 2021 MVP award

Help! I'm stuck in Vi!

How to quit Vi editor

Skrift : Running Umbraco on a Raspberry Pi

Updated to run on .NET 5

Additional info to go with my article in Skrift Magazine : 'Running umbraco on a Raspberry pi or how I stopped worrying and learned to love linux'. The notes here have been updated to run on .NET 5.

Why did I start a blog?

And why did it take so long?!?!

Thoughts on why I started this blog site 🤓💻✍

Disable TLS 1 & 1.1, SSL v2, SSL v3 and the RC4 cypher in IIS

Disable TLS 1 and 1.1 as well as RC4 Cyphers in IIS